Schedule affordably with

Custom Schedule Demonstration

This page provides a demonstration of how you can create a custom schedule. It is not a complete example but just focuses on the calendar portion. As compared to other applications like MindBody, 5280 Book provides a visual view of every day you add to your schedule.

Creating your schedule comprises three elements.

  • • The slider allows you to adjust start and stop times for any selected time block

  • • The yearly calendar is interactive for custom schedules. Select the dates you want to have availability and those dates and times will be added to the list under Custom Dates

  • • The dates listed under Custom Dates will show you all dates and times added to the calendar. You can remove any scheduled date by selecting the date

Dates and Times

Start Time:  

Stop Time:

Day :


Scheduled days for the week

Custom Dates

Dates you select will be added here.

Scheduled days for the year